Environment variables


The load_dotenv() function from the dotenv package will look for a file named .env in the current directory and add all its variable definitions to the os.environ dictionary. If your .env file is not in the current directory, then dotenv will keep searching the parent directory hierarchy until it finds a .env file or reaches the top-level directory.

In your .env file you store you keys with the variable name, an =, and the key with no spaces or quotes.


You can import your key to your environment using the following python code chunk.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
API_KEY = os.getenv('CONNECT_API_KEY')

If you do not have dotenv installed then use pip to install it.

pip install python-dotenv


R has a .Renviron file that loads each time you start R. Use the usethis package to gain access to your .Renviron file by running the command usethis::edit_r_environ(). You can install the package with install.packages("usethis").

You would then create your CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_API_KEY using the same format as shown above.


Save this file and restart R. Now, board <- board_connect() will see those variables and leverage them to connect without any further code on your part.

Pins package

You must install the pins package to get data access as well.


In R use install.packages("pins") to access the pins package. Please explore the package documentation for further help.


In your terminal use pip install pins or python -m pip install pins to access the pins package. Please explore the package documentation or the pypi documentation for further help.