Climate Change: Ocean

Ocean heat content is measured relative to the 1971–2000 average, which is set at zero for reference. It is measured in 10²² joules. For reference, 10²² joules are equal to approximately 17 times the amount of energy used globally every year.
DS 350

DS 350


May 8, 2024

Data details

There are 66 rows and 7 columns. The data source1 is used to create our data that is stored in our pins table. You can access this pin from a connection to using hathawayj/climate_change_ocean.

This data is available to all.

Variable description

  • Entity: Country name
  • Code: 3-letter code for each country
  • Year: Year
  • 700m_ocean_heat_content_iap: Ocean heat content found by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in 1022 joules
  • 700m_ocean_heat_content_noaa: Ocean heat content found by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1022 joules
  • 700m_ocean_heat_content_csiro: Ocean heat content found by the Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in 1022 joules
  • 700m_ocean_heat_content_mrijma: Ocean heat content found by the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute (MRI/JMA) in 1022 joules

Variable summary

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Year 0 1.00 1987.50 19.20 1955.00 1971.25 1987.50 2003.75 2020.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
700m_ocean_heat_content_iap 0 1.00 2.86 7.71 -7.57 -2.92 -0.28 9.67 20.01 ▇▇▂▃▃
700m_ocean_heat_content_noaa 0 1.00 2.65 6.64 -5.96 -2.53 0.14 8.98 17.49 ▇▆▂▃▂
700m_ocean_heat_content_csiro 10 0.85 1.96 6.21 -7.52 -2.78 1.42 6.24 15.88 ▇▇▇▃▃
700m_ocean_heat_content_mrijma 0 1.00 2.11 7.32 -9.50 -3.61 0.63 8.69 18.08 ▆▇▃▃▃

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
Entity 0 1 5 5 0 1 0
Code 0 1 8 8 0 1 0
Explore generating code using R
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, pins, connectapi, googledrive, owidR)

# pwid() doesn't work for this dataset right now because the source site is down 5/8/2024

# # owid() function downloads current data directly from Our World in Data.
# # Use owid_search() to search for other OWID datasets.
# # For more information, see the package documentation here:
# climate_change_ocean <- owid('climate-change-ocean')

# Until that issue is resolved, the data can be found in the google drive
# Download the file from google drive
sdrive <- shared_drive_find("byuids_data") # This will ask for authentication.
google_file <- drive_ls(sdrive) |>
  filter(stringr::str_detect(name, "climate-change-ocean"))
tempf <- tempfile()
drive_download(google_file, tempf)
climate_change_ocean <- read_csv(tempf)

# Publish the data to the server with Bro. Hathaway as the owner.
board <- board_connect()
pin_write(board, climate_change_ocean, type = "parquet", access_type = "all")

pin_name <- "climate_change_ocean"
meta <- pin_meta(board, paste0("hathawayj/", pin_name))
client <- connect()
my_app <- content_item(client, meta$local$content_id)
set_vanity_url(my_app, paste0("data/", pin_name))

Access data

This data is available to all.

Direct Download: climate_change_ocean.parquet

R and Python Download:

URL Connections:

For public data, any user can connect and read the data using pins::board_connect_url() in R.

url_data <- ""
board_url <- board_connect_url(c("dat" = url_data))
dat <- pin_read(board_url, "dat")

Use this custom function in Python to have the data in a Pandas DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
import requests
from io import BytesIO

def read_url_pin(name):
  url = "" + name + "/" + name + ".parquet"
  response = requests.get(url)
  if response.status_code == 200:
    parquet_content = BytesIO(response.content)
    pandas_dataframe = pd.read_parquet(parquet_content)
    return pandas_dataframe
    print(f"Failed to retrieve data. Status code: {response.status_code}")
    return None

# Example usage:
pandas_df = read_url_pin("climate_change_ocean")

Authenticated Connection:

Our connect server is which you assign to your CONNECT_SERVER environment variable. You must create an API key and store it in your environment under CONNECT_API_KEY.

Read more about environment variables and the pins package to understand how these environment variables are stored and accessed in R and Python with pins.

board <- board_connect(auth = "auto")
dat <- pin_read(board, "hathawayj/climate_change_ocean")
import os
from pins import board_rsconnect
from dotenv import load_dotenv
API_KEY = os.getenv('CONNECT_API_KEY')

board = board_rsconnect(server_url=SERVER, api_key=API_KEY)
dat = board.pin_read("hathawayj/climate_change_ocean")