Data Science Program News (2017)

The beginning

Brigham Young University - Idaho and the Church Board of Education approved the Data Science degree which commenced in 2017. We have over 50 majors by the early part of 2018.

DS 350 Introduced

Historically labeled MATH 335/CS 335, our data wrangling course was developed as the keystone of our data science degree.

President Henry Eyring Gives Us a Shout

You can read his address or watch the video starting around minute 21.

A wonderful example is a new bachelor’s degree in data science, designed by faculty members from three departments with help from colleagues across the university as well as outside advisors. This degree includes courses in statistics, computer science and information technology, design, communication, and business.

It also leaves room for credit-bearing internships and complementary collections of courses from other fields. Importantly, the frugal design of this major allows freshman students to sample curiosity-stimulating introductory courses from multiple majors before making a long-term commitment. Similarly valuable is the flexibility to change majors without incurring a graduation delay.

This data science degree includes another vital feature, the nesting of a certificate and an associate degree within the bachelor’s program. This design, spearheaded by President Gilbert, provides a valuable credential in the event of a student’s leaving in less than four years. It also engages students early in the practical elements of a discipline, with the goal of stimulating curiosity and boosting confidence.

President Henry J. Eyring