Bachelor's of Data Science

Brigham Young University - Idaho Catalog

Our data science degree focuses on industry-first skills by building solid communicators that can program in R, Python, and SQL. You will see varied data types and problems along with company lead projects that make your resume.

Our program emphasizes project-based work where you demonstrate your skills through open-ended data science projects. We connect you to company-focused projects that let you see how your data science skills drive value.

Through data science society, an internship, and our data science consulting class, you can fill your resume with multiple data science experiences that demonstrate your skills.

Eight Semester Plans

Use the pdf document to see the Data Science, Statistics Focus, and General eight-semester plans.

Communication Courses

There are two types of courses in this section.

  1. Business and Communication: You could choose from the business and communication courses that support communication through different media contexts
  2. Design Thinking: You could choose the design thinking courses that focus on team communication through different design challenges. These classes focus on communication in team meeting settings and on person-to-person interaction. Read more about the concept here
Team Design and Thinking Business Communication
ART 231: Design Thinking: Inquiry and Innovation BA 211: Business Fundamentals
ART 434: Design Thinking: Agile Product Management BUS 301: Advanced Writing in Professional Contexts
ART 432R: Design Thinking: User Research  

Technical Depth

Under the Take 9 credits we have focus areas shown that the list does not make clear. While We don’t have restrictions on how you take the classes in this section, we do recommend that you think about an area where you could excel and focus on those classes.

For Example

Student Desire Courses
img I like statistics, and I want to go to graduate school in statistics. Then take MATH 112X, MATH 113, MATH 213, MATH 423, MATH 424, and MATH 428.
img I want a job when I graduate and like programming. Then take WDD 130, WDD 230, CSE 210, and CSE 310.
img I like data science, but I am not sure I want to do data programming. Then take BA 211, BA 215, DS 150, MATH 326, and BUS 315.
img I don’t know what I like, but I need to take 9 credits. Then take BA 315, GIS 150, GIS 250, and GIS 450B.

Additional Analytics

  • BA 215 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Business (3)
  • BA 315 - Business Analytics (3)
  • MATH 326 - Experimental Design (3)

SQL Depth

  • ITM 326 - Database Administration (3)
  • BA 300 - SQL for Analysts (3)
  • ITM 325 - Database programming

Programming Depth

  • WDD 130 - Web Fundamentals (2)
  • WDD 230 - Frontend Web Development I (3)
  • CSE 341 - Web Engineering II (3)
  • CSE 310 - Software Design and Development (3)
  • CSE 471 - Human Computer Interaction (3)

Mathematics Preparation

  • CSE 280 - Discrete Mathematics I (2)
  • MATH 112X - Calculus I (4)
  • MATH 113 - Calculus II (3)
  • MATH 214 - Multivariable and Vector Calculus (3) or MATH 215 - Multivariable Calculus (4)
  • MATH 241 - Linear Algebra I (2) or MATH 341 - Linear Algebra (3)
  • MATH 281 - Introduction to Applied Mathematics (3)

Statistical Theory

  • MATH 423 - Probability and Statistics (3)
  • MATH 424 - Mathematical and Bayesian Statistics (3)

Degree Course Map

This chart needs to updated to the current catalog